List of Indoor games which we played before LUDO King was popular 

1. Ashta Chamma:
 Ashta Chamma is the desi version of Ludo, the rules of the game are similar to Ludo but there are some changes. Instead of dices cowries is used and another one is the player goes to inner squares if he/she kills the opponent token. 

2. Bingo 
The bingo game has a minimum
 Of two players or more. The players have to mark off the numbers called by the caller. The first person to strike off all the numbers is announced as the winner. 
3. Business Or Monopoly: 
The objective of the property to buy or own as much as property and to be the richest among other players. Before starting the game a limited amount is to be given to all the players and a specified amount is given when the player completes one round in the board.

4. Tic Tac Toe:
Both the players will choose a symbol and start the game. The first player to get 3 of his/her symbols in a row (up, down or diagonally) is the winner

And the list continues Pachisi, Gutte/ Five stones, Lattoo, Chess and many more... 

Comment your favourite game for your childhood.